Aerospace and Space Options in No Particular Order
I have been haunting You Tube lately and have made several comments on options for further research and development. In no particular order:
Could dark energy filaments be a way to travel faster than light or communicate. Are these between systems only are there smaller, yet undetected, dark energy filaments with star systems?
Could filaments of some dark energy, matter or strings exist at the quantum level as possible paths for particles or energy - maybe with two probabilistic strings active until the particle picks a path?
Can liquified hydrogen be used to power jet engines in military aircraft, including the ability to refuel and also be useful in civilian aviation. Would it be cheaper to produce than AVPOL?
Is the universe Being - that which is, with its relationships, mathematical or observational being Truth and its energy being Spirit - all of which could either simply exist or be metareality? Does it matter either way?
Isn't time to do artificial gravity experiments, starting with two inflatable segments at each end of a truss/tunnel with a power plant, docking port and flywheel in the center to take off and put on spin? Effects at various rotational speeds could be tried to minimize adverse symptoms.
If successful, could additional trusses be added (say 12 slices) with a number of inflatable modules between each truss - possible two or three rings with a number of modules between each truss, possibly hung on some kind of firm structure? Maybe transfer tubes?
Could they be launched as folded fans that unfurl and inflate for installation? Maybe from a high altitude supersonic aircraft?
Would solar panels be used in the center or out from the trusses or is it time to bite the bullet and put up some kind of thorium or other nuclear power source?
Could such structures be put multiple places, say orbiting the Moon and Mars, as well in Geosync? See my post on Going to Mars for a list of possible stations. Modules could be used on Martian and Lunar surfaces.
Some modules or stations would have hydroponic vegetable growing, water and waste reprocessing (using grass to convert black water to soil) and cloned animal protein, blood, bone and fat to deliver food and receive organic waste from other stations.
Food production methods could be used to make habitats for earth, possibly including earth homes or other mass-produced modular housing.
Other stations would be astronaut academies, provided artificial gravity systems work without inner ear distortions - possibly at lower gee with slower spin to minimize adverse effects and to mimic Martian or Lunar gravity.
About gas giants:
Option 1: craft for use at various altitudes with pressure bladders to avoid crushing and virtual presence and to relay information to each higher altitude with multiple missions at various points and manned stations in orbit to analyze data rather than transmitting it to earth (at a save distance from Jovian, Saturnian or Neptonian radiation.
What would pressure be like when atmosphere becomes ocean? Could such diving bells or submersibles have swim bladders to avoid crush?
Could keeping modules in motion with acceleration - say by burning atmospheric components - to counteract Jovian gravity?
Option 2: Space elevator instead with more robust modules going deeper into the atmosphere, starting wide and telescoping out to smaller and stronger components? How low could we go until crush depth?
Other essays on automated transportation systems and computer consciousness will be cross-posted onto this blog. Hello, Dave.