Sunday, November 06, 2022

Climate Scientist Answers Earth Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | ...

By Peter Kalmus.

Here are some options he does not include. Civil disobedience is like voting for real socialism. It won't work.

More babies who are brown, brilliant and ignored by the system.

Forget self-driving, lithium ion batteries and go to direct power through the roof deck, which also links to a central computer to operate vehicles - sometimes taking them to rail, sometimes driving direct, depending on congestion. System would also have grass on top of the roof (and solar, possible storm drainage) and transmit internet and electricity to homes. Use Thorium and other small scale reactors (like new Japanese models) to produce electricity.

Replace cows and pigs with cloned protein, fat and blood. Keep chickens and lamb and go ahead and fly. Warming should be slowed enough with these changes to not have to do everything. Produce Hydrogen through care based electrolysis produced in cars from roof deck power.

Create employee-owned employment which also handles finance, consumption, human and infrastructure services, including roads, using smart growth to locate homes near work.

Only oil needs to be edged out - or simply move toward plastics.

We are in a natural cold cycle once anthro-warming is taken care of. Do everything else and there is wiggle room.


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